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For over 50 years the well-beeing of the animal is center of activity in the life of veterinary  family dr. gerriets.

Our goal is a healthy animal and a satisfied owner.

The kennel "Ferienheim Hund und Katze" exists since 1951. We take care of all small animals like dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, turtles, and guinea pigs. We treat them individually and carefully.

We take care of your animal 365 days a year. Our opening hours for the owners are Monday - Friday 10.00 a.m. and Saturday 9.00 a.m. - 11 a.m.

For more information and daily fees please contact us by phone: 030 - 772 40 27.


In our practice for small animals we take care of your sick pet. We treat ambulant and are also able to keep your animal in our clinic department. We deal with all small animals like dogs, cats, birds, turtles, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits.

We help to organize the papers for your pet, if you leave Germany.

For more information please contact us by phone.


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